Recycling, Refuse collection, Energy, Incineration, Waste
REFA is an expert in waste management and energy production. REFA is a certified company looking out for people, the environment and opportunities.
For many years, REFA has had a management system that is certified according to the international standards ISO 14001 for environment and OHSAS 18001 for working environment.
REFA own’s and operates:
• Recycling station’s
• Collection scheme for refuse collection and bulky waste
• Biomass facility (production of energy from biomass)
• Waste-to-Energy Plant (waste incineration, energy generation)
• Environmental centre’s (deposit and sorting venue)
REFA’s recycling stations are popular. Each year the recycling stations receive almost 900,000 visits. This equals more than eight annual visits per citizen in Lolland and Falster Municipalities.
Waste collection
REFA is responsible for the collection of waste from 55,000 households, 11,000 holiday homes and 6,000 businesses in Guldborgsund and Lolland Municipalities.
Energy production
REFA produces energy from biomass like straw and wood chips.