The University of Richmond Law Review is an academic organization managed exclusively by students of the University of Richmond School of Law and is intended to advance legal scholarship by presenting a forum in which the evolution of contemporary legal principles and knowledge may be subjected to national discussion and debate.
The University of Richmond Law Review publishes four issues a year. Two of the issues are general subject-matter issues, and the two other issues are focused on specific topics. The two general subject-matter issues are published in January and May. The two topic-specific issues are published in November and March. Our November issue, the Annual Survey of Virginia Law, is devoted exclusively to cataloguing changes in Virginia law and is overseen by the Annual Survey Editor. Our March Law Review Symposium issue is published in conjunction with our annual symposium,a full-day event devoted to dialogue on a discrete legal or policy issue chosen by the Symposium Editor. The Law Review publishes additional articles, essay, and commentaries online throughout the year.