Founded in 2000, the STEP Miami Branch is one of the largest and most active in the Americas. Consistent with the objectives of STEP, the Miami branch provides practitioners with access to high level trusts and estates resources for all its members.
Branch Chair: Mr. Fabio Concesi TEP
The branch is run by a committee of 12 directors and comprises an expanding membership of more than 200 professionals from across Miami’s accountancy, legal, banking and fiduciary sectors. STEP Miami welcomes all professionals with a trust and estates focus in their practice, whether for private or corporate clients.
The Branch organizes high quality monthly events and an annual conference, allowing its members to build strong business relationships, share their expertise and remain up-to-date on trust and estate developments.
The annual conference, named the STEP Miami Summit, is one of STEP Miami’s most popular and widely attended events and gathers approximately 400 professionals from various international jurisdictions each year.