Social Model Recovery Systems, Inc. is a multi-faceted human services organization providing mental health and alcohol and other drug treatment services at various locations throughout Los Angeles County.
In addition, we operate a community-based alcohol and drug prevention program in the Central City East area of downtown Los Angeles and provide education, training, and consulting services to organizations throughout the state of California.
Vision Statement
Social Model Recovery Systems envisions a world where communities can pursue social, economic, educational, and spiritual wellness free from alcohol, other drug, and mental health problems.
Mission Statement
Our service mission is threefold:
•To create environments promoting recovery, personal responsibility, and mutual self-help;
•To help communities prevent and reduce alcohol, other drugs, and mental health-related problems through positive social change, and;
•To share research and knowledge through training, consultation, and educational initiatives.
To achieve success, our financial mission is:
•To maintain fiscal strength which ensures quality, growth, and the ability to serve all people in need and
•To provide cost-effective services that achieve the best and highest use of public and private resources.
To our communities, participants, employees, and volunteers, we commit to work with integrity, respect, innovation, and excellence.