Following Rinnai's international origins dating back more than 100 years, Rinnai Australia was established 50 years ago and since then has been providing Australians with the best solutions to their gas appliance needs. Rinnai Australia has the world's most advanced heating systems and, as always, our pursuit is to provide the most energy efficient, advanced products to the market.
Our Vision
We will be market leaders in the provision of innovative products and services within synergistic business arenas, to meet a growing global demand for value based products, environmental sustainability and renewable energy efficiency.
Our Mission
We will strive towards our Vision and achievement of strategic goals through a focus on our customers needs, strategic business diversification, product development and differentiation. We will do this with integrity, care for our employees and community, environmental responsibility and by aligning our business processes to deliver what we promise, brand leadership, customer first and profitable growth.
Our Values
Customer First
Exceeding Expectations
Excellence and Innovation
Trust and Encouragement
Involvement and Inclusiveness
Continuous Flow Hot WaterHeatingSolar Hot WaterLifestyle ProductsCommercial HVACCommercial Hot WaterGas FiresDucted Heating and CoolingSplit System Air ConditionersRenewable Energy