The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE) is the peak professional association for Chief Executive Officers and other senior staff working in the Australasian nonprofit sector.
When you join AuSAE, you are making a powerful investment in your career as an association professional. AuSAE provides a range of tools, knowledge and support designed to assist you to improve the performance of your association, raise your profile, create strong networks within the association community (both globally and within Australasia) and more rapidly advance your career as an association manager.
The AuSAE community comprises current senior association executives as well as aspiring association executives. Our members come from the broad spectrum of associations including business, professional, technical, trade, sporting, social service and civil society associations. We also have members from charitable, religious, educational and other interest associations and from various nonprofit financial institutions.
When you join AuSAE you are joining a community of people dedicated to more than just profit. AuSAE members are working to make our world a better place. To undertake this vital work it is essential that our members are equipped with the know-how, networks and means to enable them to achieve success for both themselves and their organisations. For more information visit