ATUNE Health Centres started in 2006 with one practitioner who had a vision for developing an integrated one stop health shop. ATUNE today has grown to be one the largest integrated health centres in Australia located in a purpose built centre in Cardiff NSW.
Currently ATUNE employs over 100 professionals and clerical staff with over 18 professions such as General Practice, Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Massage Therapy, Psychology, Breathing Therapy, Podiatry, Exercise Physiology, Naturopathy Dietetics and more
As a business we are uncompromising in providing you our community with our 3 core values of:
1. Individualization (personal care).
2. Education (health empowerment).
3. Integration (collaborative team approach).
Lifestyle medicine has also become a significant factor in the healthcare we can deliver. With a acute herbal dispensary FREE for the general public and a Food Farmacy ( food is medicine) cafe to bridge the gap between the consultation room and lifestyle change. ATUNE is cutting edge in the deliver of health services in our community wining the business of the year in the Hunter region in 2019 and the medical centre of the year in the Australian Small Business awards in 2022.