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About Lydia Andrews
Lydia Andrews is Operations And Communications Manager at Africa Faith and Justice Network in 美国 弗吉尼亚州 阿灵顿. Previously worked at Africa Faith and Justice Network as Business Operations Consultant. Africa Faith and Justice Network is a Non-profit Organizations company in 3025 4th Street NE
Fl 2
Washington, DC 20017, US with 8 employees
The Africa Faith and Justice Network's mission, inspired by the Gospel and informed by Catholic Social Teaching, is to educate and advocate for just relations with Africa and to work in partnership with African peoples as they engage in the struggle for justice, peace, and the integrity of creation.
AFJN is a community of advocates for responsible U.S. relations with Africa. AFJN stresses issues of peacebuilding, human rights and social justice that tie directly into Catholic social teaching. AFJN works closely with Catholic missionary congregations and numerous Africa-focused coalitions of all persuasions to advocate for U.S. economic and political policies that will benefit Africa’s poor majority, facilitate an end to armed conflict, establish equitable trade and investment with Africa and promote sustainable development.
AFJN is a membership, 501(c)3, non-profit organization that has worked since 1983 to advocate for responsible U.S. relations with Africa.