Our mission – "Passion for living".
Welcome to Vitapur – home of quality products for sleeping, cooking, traveling, various products for your leisure activities, and family.
Vitapur products transform everyday life into an extraordinary experience. Our mission and passion come from creating a better life and making first-rate products, without compromise, when it comes to quality and innovation.
Founded in Slovenia. Present globally.
Over the last 20+ years, the Vitapur Group has revolutionized various areas of activity, including the development of premium mattresses and other products for sleeping. Our company was founded in Slovenia, but more than 70+ stores are present across Central and Southeastern Europe: Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Albania.
We are also active on other international markets in Europe and overseas. Our team of professionals is highly experienced in doing business internationally. More than 15.000+ wholesale markets improve efficiency in sales and brand recognition, and, last but not least, reach more customers. Moreover, the impact of our brands Vitapur, Svilanit, Rosmarino, Scandinavia and NES is not limited to countries within Eastern, Central Europe, or the Baltic region. Our reach is global.
We enjoy great success also on other markets around the world and our online stores with 20.000+ online customers per day.
Always dedicated to the future and innovation.
At Vitapur, we commit most of our attention to you, our valued partners and customers, to your needs and wishes. We constantly follow new trends in global markets, and we're here to raise awareness about the importance of your better living by continually creating ways to make the world a more comfortable place.