Dexon BPM is an integral tool for the digitalization of business processes, whose purpose is to support organizations to advance their digital transformation.
Dexon Software is a company incorporated in Delaware and with operations in Colombia, Mexico and Chile, we have been in the market since 2002 and we have approximately 120 corporate clients. All our clients are large organizations and are in different segments, such as government, healthcare, security and defense, energy, etc. in most of them, our software supports the operation of core processes, with millions of daily transactions. We regularly compete (and beat them) with world-class tools from manufacturers such as Oracle, SAP, IBM, Microsoft, that's why we know we have a very competitive and mature offer.
Our differential in the market is technical and not price: we can do things that nobody else can, and our implementations are done in a fraction of the time it takes to do them with others.
Dexon BPM is an integral tool for the digitalization of business processes, whose purpose is to support organizations to advance their digital transformation.
Dexon BPM allows our clients to digitalize any business process, to do this, our software allows three steps:
1. Model the enterprise architecture (strategic goals, data model, organizational structure, information systems, processes, people)
2. Simulate one process running alone, or the entire company, running all their processes, allows our client to discover inefficiencies, bottlenecks, under and overwork and calculates the cost of running each process instance as well the processing capacity: how many instances can the company run of each process each month.
3. Automatize all modelled processes: with zero effort generate a fully functional implementation to execute the model, this includes user interfaces, integration with other information systems, business rules, validations, and KPI dashboards.