Chichester Harbour Conservancy is the statutory authority for Chichester Harbour National Landscape and, as a team, we manage the Harbour and surrounding Area of Outstanding Natural beauty. The Conservancy was established by the Chichester Harbour Conservancy Act of 1971.
The work of the Harbour Conservancy focuses on recreation and leisure, conservation and landscape protection, making it a destination for visitors to enjoy. We also run an annual programme of events and an Education Service for families and schools.
At 74, Chichester Harbour is the smallest AONB in the South East region, yet it is one of the most intensively used. It is a major recreational boating harbour, and each year 1.5 million people enjoy activities both on and off the water, including angling, birdwatching, walking, wildfowling, painting and photography.
Chichester Harbour Conservancy is a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, which afford it many of the same protections and designations as National Parks and habitats around the country. We work closely with the government, landowners, environment organisations and local communities to ensure the Harbour is conserved and cared for.
National and International Designations
• Area of Outstanding National Beauty (AONB)
• Site of Special Interest (SSI)
• Special Protection Area (SPA)
• Special Area of Conservations (SAC)
• Ramsar Site
Recreational Facilities, Ports authorities, Services, Logistics
HQ Location
Chichester, West Sussex PO20 7AW, GB
Tourism and RecreationCountryside ManagementCommunity EngagementDevelopment Managementand conservation