SBY is a charity dedicated to improving the experiences and opportunities open to young people across the city of Bristol and the wider South West. We work to empower young people and ensure they have the skills, knowledge, and confidence to reach their full potential in life and work.
We run high quality programmes which seek to:
• Develop a range of skills and knowledge including communication,
collaboration, and leadership
• Promote self-confidence and self-awareness so young people are
supported to make the right decisions for themselves.
• Generate new and rewarding experiences and opportunities
We currently work with over 1,350 young people across 7 schools and 2 universities on the following programmes:
• Future Quest - an Office for Student’s Uni Connect Programme
(formerly know as NCOP) funded widening participation cohort
programme for Years 9 - 11
• Insight to Apprenticeships - an awareness and employability
programme focusing on the apprenticeship pathway for Year 9 and 10
• Unlocking Potential - a programme building confidence in speaking and
listening skills for Year 7 and 8 students
• Discover Maths - a programme making maths applicable in real-life
situations for Year 7 and 8 students
• Learning to Lead- our first programme aimed at primary aged children
and their families, aiming to develop the children’s self confidence and
enable them to get fully involved in their school and wider community