Luciano Soliani
Ceo - Chief Executive Officer at Alce
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Work Experience
Ceo - Chief Executive Officer
Company Details
11-50 Employees
Alce è una società emiliana specializzata nell’ambito del legno per esterno. La nostra mission è creare nuove formule per vivere e arredare gli spazi esterni della casa, attraverso prodotti che permettano agli utilizzatori di esportare nell’outdoor la propria filosofia abitativa e il proprio stile di vita. Nati come società nel 1992 ma attingendo ad un’esperienza familiare che risale ai primi anni del ‘900, operiamo sia sul territorio italiano che estero attraverso collaborazioni e partnership con distributori specializzati. Alce is an Emilian company specialized in outdoor wood. Our mission is to create new formulas for living and furnishing the outdoor spaces of the house, through products that allow users to export their housing philosophy and lifestyle to the outdoors. Born as company in 1992 but drawing on a family experience that dates back to early 1900s, we operate both in Italy and abroad through collaborations and partnerships with specialized distributors.
Year Founded
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Wood Product Manufacturing, Steel & Metals, Components, alumina, for crushers and mills, Chemical industry plant and equipment, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals & Plastics, Components, ceramic, for crushers and mills, Components, stone, for crushers and mills, Components, metal, for crushers and mills, Crushers, mills and pulverisers, Componenti di allumina per frantoi e mulini
HQ Location
Via Bosa, 9 Luzzara, Emilia Romagna 42045, IT
Legno per esternoGiardinaggioand Edilizia
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