The Perrin Center for Policy functions as an undergraduate-led national think tank organization. Analysts draft propositions and advise different U.S. federal agencies on rules and notices while submitting original research to conferences across the world; this includes officially sanctioned conferences by the European Union and United Nations. Most of our propositions are considered for legislative change in policy by the respective U.S. agency.
At the end of our publication cycle, we release a volume of legislation with a notice of all regulations adjusted as a result of our propositions on the national, international, or local level.
As the Perrin Center grows, we aim to establish a domain that acts as an policy repository for ease of interpretation among the general public; it is our goal to implement a new SOD (Summary of the Declared) sector of each passed rule.
Authors are given the opportunity to collaborate on work and be recognized by a variety of foreign & federal agencies, present work at international conferences, and contribute to the first ever student-led policy repository's development.
Our aim, is to collectively increase social welfare and prepare students for an academic segue into public policy, government, history, & international relations.