Born in 2000 from the wish of the two young founding partners to place their experience in the field of computers and business at the service of an ambitious company project, today Softfobia leads a group of companies that are developing digital solutions.
Even today, the key elements of Softfobia's winning formula are solid technological skills and business enthusiasm enriched over time by the contributions of creative talent.
The result is obvious to all: complex solutions which until just recently were reserved for large companies and organizations, now made accessible to small and medium companies, contributing to improving their competitiveness.
Continuous innovation is the mantra of Softfobia, among the first companies in Italy to bet on new models of publishing systems, content management systems, blogs and community, now used by leading companies which in the past fifteen years have appreciated their uniqueness and extraordinary quality/price ratio.
Over the past few years, Softfobia has opted to pursue a horizontal growth path with the acquisition of shares
in emerging digital companies bringing specific complementary know-how to increase its value proposition to the Clients: tourism marketing, interaction design, mobile, e-commerce.
Today, more than thirty professionals develop identities, strategies and digital products in the four offices of the Group companies, creating value by beginning with an idea: Yours.
Learn more about our flagship products and applications:
Unclick (Website / App Builder)
Jogu (Gamification Platform)
Shopmania (Web commerce /Mobile / Social Solutions)
Beyond (Digital Media Publishing Platform)
Bincy (Online Lotteries and Contest Management)