The Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) is an association of governments comprised of local officials from Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, Morgan, Box Elder, and Tooele counties in Utah. Our region is among the fastest growing areas in the United States. The way we grow will largely determine the quality of life for generations to come. Through the WFRC, local governments and community members from Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, Morgan, Box Elder, and Tooele counties come together to plan for our future. The Wasatch Choice 2050 is the region's "vision" for growth and development. The adopted 2023 - 2050 Regional Transportation Plan will serve the region's transportation needs over the next 25 years.
Government Relations Services, Environment, Volunteer Services
HQ Location
41 N Rio Grande St
Suite 103
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101, US
Transportation PlanningEconomic DevelopmentLand Use PlanningAssociation of Governments