We are passionate software engineers, Information Technology (IT) professionals and experts in offering educational or learning solutions based in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. We are relentlessly working to solve the learning or training needs of students, unemployed youth, educational institutions, businesses, government and non-profit organisations.
Our vision is to contribute to the human society in the needs of learning.
Our mission is to bring or uplift the learning experience of students, unemployed youth, and organisations in IT sector through our learning platform.
We would like to complement the efforts of Indian government, Andhra Pradesh, and other state government's skill development mission for bridging the skill gap and also offering unprecedented career development programs in all walks of life in IT.
Our IT learning solutions include trainings, academic projects, commercial projects, career development programs and placement assistance.
We want to partner with industries or our clients to offer solutions for their employee's learning needs, reduce people development costs, improve productivity and hence revenues and contribute to clients success.
We are confident that we will make a difference and see a positive change in the lives of people and organisations who constantly look for innovative ways to address their learning or training needs, improve, get better and grow.