With a turnover of €2.8 billion, NGE is an independent French construction company involved in the design, construction and maintenance of major infrastructure projects, urban development programmes and local development schemes since 2002 in the UK. NGE promotes a strong culture of social responsibility within the Group and in all its relationships. Its policy includes a very wide spectrum of stakeholders (customers, co-contractors, suppliers, etc.) committed to instilling or consolidating ethical values and behaviour within the corporate ecosystem. In 2020, the CSR Committee set up a number of working groups to accelerate improvements in our performance and created four CSR priorities: Putting people first; Working to deliver the ecological transition; Developing our regional roots for the long term; Promoting a strong culture of corporate social responsibility The NGE Group is present in 17 countries worldwide and has 16,000 employees. For more information, visit www.nge.fr/en or follow