Japan Intercultural Consulting is an international training and consulting firm focused on Japanese business. We help clients increase profitability and employee engagement through improved communication and working relationships in multicultural environments. We provide training, teambuilding, and executive coaching services. By working with us, our clients are better able to achieve their business goals.
We are experts on cross-cultural communications and Japanese business practices. Our clients trust us to provide programs that are relevant and impactful. We primarily work with Japanese companies and American and European multinational firms who have Japanese customers. 当社は異文化間のコミュニケーション、及び日本のビジネス文化についてのエキスパートの集団です。当社の適切かつ効果的なプログラムは、お客様から高い信頼を得ています。お客様のほとんどは日系企業及び日系企業と取引する欧米多国籍企業です。