Early Childhood Intervention Australia (ECIA) Victoria/Tasmania (VIC/TAS) is a non-profit organisation promoting and supporting a system of quality services for young children with disability and/or developmental delay and their families.
Our Vision:
“Young children of all abilities can fully participate in family and community life”
Our Purpose:
To lead and strengthen professionals and organisations that provide early intervention support services for young children with disability and/or developmental delay and their families.
We do this by:
• Advocating for and promoting accessible child and family centred services
• Influencing community and government to promote the value of diversity and inclusion
• Enhancing and promoting best practices in early childhood intervention
• Providing and promoting professional development
• Representing the interests of and supporting our members
• Promoting and disseminating information and evidence-based research about Early Childhood Intervention (ECI)
• Developing strategic linkages and partnering with other relevant organisations
Strategic Directions:
• Enhance and support the ECI sector
• Advocate for quality services and support for children with disability and/or developmental delay and their families
• Effectively and professionally manage our organisation and become more financially independent and sustainable