Software Intelligence
We form a multidisciplinary group that offers integral solutions to measure, our team includes professionals of the Industrial Engineer, Esp. In Occupational Health, Quality and Environment, Project Managers, Analysts and Programmers that allow us to find in an efficient way customized solutions and with The flexibility that distinguishes us by having project developers from start to finish, in times unthought for projects in the segment.
We advise and propose improvements as a result of deep statistical analysis and social behavior that support our projects.
We base our assistance in these aspects, ensuring:
• Efficient processes without unexpected costs
• Commitment and effectiveness in projects
• Customized projects and personalized attention
Our company is audited internationally by McAfee and we have quality certification according to ISO9001: 2008.
Gorriti 196 - 1 E
Rosario, Santa Fe 2000, GB
Sitios para subastas onlineDiseño de portales de InternetClasificados OnlineSistemas para Licitaciones Online y Subastas InversasSistema Online de Gestion de Doc. para ISOSistema para Supervision de Obras y ContratistasComercio electronicoLiquidación de activosSistemas de GestoriaGestion y venta de inmovilizados