Springboards is a professional communication, leadership, and cross cultural coaching firm dedicated to the career development and advancement of business, healthcare & expert services professionals. We provide coaching, consulting, needs assessment, and workshops. All individual programs include metrics and assessment.
It is our vision to quickly advance every career through communication and cross cultural coaching. 90% of coaching clients advance professionally in under a year.
Recent client work:
--90% of Springboards' coaching clients at Analysis Group advanced professionally in a year or less, allowing for more rapid career growth, demonstrable engagement, and retention
--"We chose Springboards because we liked their approach to assessment. Managers of employees coached by Springboards have noticed improvement in written and spoken communication, as well as self-confidence. This allows employees to make a greater contribution to Shire, which in turn helps them further their careers here.”
Talent Management, Shire Human Genetic Therapies
--Springboards partnered with this economic consulting firm's HR staff and senior management to:
-Provide targeted, cross cultural coaching to multinational employees across the U.S. and in Asia
-Draw in more highly qualified candidates before onboarding. Springboards was showcased on the website as a career benefit to multinationals
-Retain top multinationals by providing coaching and better defined career advancement criteria
--Springboards helped Reliant's multinational physicians to improve patient satisfaction scores through demonstrated improvements in communication and cross cultural skills. "Springboards’ ability to accommodate an intense physician work schedule, the superior quality of their coaches and their personalized, on-site training model made them the clear choice for our organization. The coaching helped turn around very low patient satisfaction. Powerful results!" - HR, Reliant
Executive Presence and PresentatioBusiness and Professional Writing CoachingAccent and Speech CoachingMedia PresenceCross Cultural Skills for LeadersEffective Team Communication for LeadersDISCMBTITrainingExecutive Coaching