A boutique real estate company in Lodi CA, Schaffer & Company Realtors provides top-notch service to Lodi, Galt, Stockton and surrounding communities, focusing primarily on residential real estate. Led by Broker/Owner Nancy Hyske and Co-Owner/Realtor Margo Cook, Schaffer & Company strives to achieve the best deal for each and every client. A company built on integrity and competence, Schaffer develops relationships within the local Lodi community to provide the best professional service for clients. This integrity stems from Nancy Hyske's father and the "Mentor in Spirit" for Schaffer & Company, Ben Schaffer. With over 75 years of a strong ethical reputation & hard work, he developed most of Lodi’s real estate. Ben Schaffer’s words of wisdom and philosophies combined with all the edginess of today's technology has helped to create the organization that is Schaffer & Company Realtors.