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About Linda Emde
Linda Emde has 2 current jobs including Accts Payable at J.C. Higgins Corp. in 70 Hawes Way
Stoughton, Massachusetts 02072, US, Accounts Payable Manager at EMCOR Group, Inc.. Previously worked at Equipment Direct Sales, Inc. (EDSI) as Office Manager. J.C. Higgins Corp. is a Construction company in 70 Hawes Way
Stoughton, Massachusetts 02072, US with 27 employees
Linda Emde Social
Linda Emde Work
Linda Emde is the Accts Payable @J.C. Higgins Corp., with experience in Accounts Payable Manager @EMCOR Group, Inc.
In business since 1924, J.C. Higgins has developed a strong reputation for long-term value-added relationships with New England’s most prestigious universities, hotels, hospitals, commercial developers, financial institutions, and corporations, many of whom have been doing business with us for decades.
In fact, repeat projects account for over 80 percent of our business. It’s a record that shows our commitment to providing our clients with high-quality customer care and a single-source solution for safe, efficient, and timely projects that result in productive and cost-effective facilities.
With more than $100 million in revenues, our people, technology, and financial capabilities are significant. We support our extensive staff of highly trained, highly skilled experts with computerized cost estimating and scheduling, AutoCAD Navisworks, and Quickpen 3D, as well as a state-of-the-art HVAC and plumbing fabrication shop.
We even have a Special Projects Division for projects that require unique client care and/or fast-track tenant fit outs. The result is the complete capabilities you need to handle a full range of projects efficiently, cost-effectively, responsively.
As an EMCOR company, we can draw upon substantial financial resources and a knowledge transfer network to expand our capabilities even further. That means, regardless of size or complexity, we can handle every aspect of a project, from design/ build and value engineering, to installation and operation, to commissioning and maintenance. The result is tighter project control, reduced vendor management time, and greater purchasing leverage for lower costs.
Computerized cost estimatingSchedulingAutoCAD NavisworksQuickpen 3DHVAC fabricationPlumbing fabricationFinancial resourcesKnowledge transfer network
Single-source solution for projectsHigh-quality customer careSpecial Projects DivisionDesign/build servicesValue engineeringInstallation and operationCommissioning and maintenance