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About Lily Stratton
Lily Stratton has 3 current jobs including Business Office Manager at Avalon Health Care Group in 206 North 2100 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116, US, Business Office Manager at PORTLAND HEALTH AND REHABILITATION CENTER, Sales Tax Accountant I at Confidential (In stealth mode). Avalon Health Care Group is a Hospitals and Health Care company in 206 North 2100 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116, US with 650 employees
Lily Stratton Social
Lily Stratton Work
Lily Stratton is the Business Office Manager @Avalon Health Care Group, with experience in Business Office Manager @PORTLAND HEALTH AND REHABILITATION CENTER
"We embrace a reverence for life and a heart for healing"
Our Foundational Belief is at the center of all we do. Our people care for those they serve with skill, dedication and compassion.
Avalon Health Care is a premier provider of health care services in the West. Our high standard of care and value-driven business have changed the way people think about senior facilities and care. We have a passion for serving seniors and emphasize the unique individuality that every customer brings to our organization. Each part of care is customized, not only clinically, but also with compassion that acknowledges unique needs. Our people-based principles drive the demand for our services.