Welcome to the UCL Finance Conference 2011, organised by the UCLU Investment Society at UCL.
Having successfully organised the UCL Finance Conference 2010 which had over 500 applications for 200 places, the UCLU Investment Society looks to build on the 2010 event to develop the leading student Finance Conference in the UK.
Using the experience from launching the inaugural conference, the team looks to organise a more interactive conference which will provide a beneficial platform for both delegates and sponsors alike. This year the Cornell Partnership will be running our screening process for choosing the delegates for the conference.
Given the current stress in the financial markets, this conference will provide the perfect opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge from some of the leaders of the financial industry. The keynote speeches, the business and markets breakout sessions, and the two panels will ensure this conference will be as interactive as possible. There will be plenty of opportunities to network, while the new internship scheme promises to provide some of the delegates with a unique insight into a career in finance. We encourage you to apply as early as possible as we expect demand to significantly surpass the limited number of seats available.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors and speakers without whom this event would not be possible.
We look forward to seeing you at the UCL Finance Conference 2011.
UCL Finance Conference 2011 Team:
•Chairman of Conference 2011 - John Gallagher
•Director of Conference 2011 - Edward Lewis
•Deputy Director of Conference 2011 - Andy Wang
•Head of Marketing 2011 - Doug Mackintosh
•Logistics Team 2011 - Mengwen Diao and Fidel Anaya
•Advisor to UCL Finance Conference 2011 - Christine Truong