We don't need to tell you how important your website is to your client, their users experience, and their ability to interact with their target audience. You also don't need us to tell you how important it is for that site to be sat on a platform that's going to support it like a weight bench. Alienbuild can build you that weight bench with rock solid, heavyweight, pull-no-punches code.
Many systems claim to be the best or most proficient system out there, but the truth is that any system is only as good as its contributors, and it's contributors are only as good as they can code.
At Alienbuild, we have a team of multi-faceted developers who are extremely proficient in a vast array of programming languages and methodologies to boot. We remain constantly present in the developer community contributing where possible with repositiories, or just helping out where we can around Stackoverflow, Github or the MODX forums.
We'll transform your clients site from being a cumbersome, high security risk, persnickety afterthought to being one of the most streamlined and talked about assets in your portfolio.