Welcome to the John M. Barry Boys & Girls Club of Newton's LinkedIn!
Our Mission is to inspire and enable all young people to reach their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens.
Our Vision is to understand today's youth and develop tomorrow's leaders through a kaleidoscope of opportunities, fun-filled programs, and great people.
Our Program Areas are fun. educational, and include STEAM, Social Recreational Games, Physical Activity, Leadership, and Life Skills. We serve youth ages K-12 and welcome all kids from diverse socioeconomic, religious and cultural backgrounds in the Greater Newton area.
The Club helps youth develop positive self-identity, educational and social competencies, a sense of well being, and a moral compass by providing activities that meet the unique interests of elementary, middle, and high school youth. The programs and services provided instill feelings of accomplishment and self-esteem that come from the process of making choices, getting involved, and developing life skills.
675 Watertown Street Newton MA 02460