Anadolu Birlik Holding (ABH) is a corporation having investments in Agriculture, Food and Beverage, Plastic, Energy and Retail industries.
Food & Beverage
- Konya Şeker
- Panagro
- Turan İçecek
- Helvahane
- Beta
- Şekersüt
- Çumpaş
- Panek
- Koneli
- Kangal Termik
- Soma Termik
- ÇBN Yıldızı
- Çoban Yıldızı
- Panplast
The roots of the corporation lie under the launch of Konya Sugar Factory by the "Konya Beet Producers Association" in 1950s. The corporation has been founded in 2007, as the parent of all companies formed upon horizontal and vertical growth of the factory. Currently Anadolu Birlik Holding has state of the art manufacturing plants spread to 8 different campuses with cutting edge technology.
- Anadolu Birlik Holding runs the biggest ENVIRONMENT project in the country. ABH targets to plant one tree for each resident in Turkey. Currently 14 million trees have been planted and still counting.
- Anadolu Birlik Holding is true believer of INNOVATION. ABH owns more than 1.000.000 square meters of R&D farms. These farms only used for research and development of local & global seeds.
- Anadolu Birlik Holding sets example on COLLABORATION. The corporation itself started as an association established by collaborative farmers. Now more than %50 of ABH employees is Y generation and feeds the collaborative culture.