With a leading range of 12.5Ltr /20Ltr / 30Ltr Prime and a 20Ltr Slim P.E.T One-Way kegs, all available with Industry Standard S; D; A & G type fittings, the Dolium® Keg has become the Most Advanced One - Way PET keg on the market.
It is the only One - Way PET keg with a fully automatic, integrated pressure relief valve that will vent at 5 bar and reseal when the evacuation has returned the keg to a safe working pressure.
Product integrity equal to stainless steel, logistical optimization, lowest impact on distribution and the sustainable character of DOLIUM® have been demonstrated.
Today, the production and assembly of DOLIUM® are located in Antwerp (Belgium).
Our experienced DOLIUM® team is ready to support you with the implementation of project DOLIUM® at your company.