ADR Center’s Development division is one of the world’s leading consulting organizations specializing in the design and implementation of international projects in the fields of Alternative Dispute Resolution and Access to Justice, integrating ADR with legal aid and ancillary services such as information technology for justice systems.
Over the past ten years, ADR Center has become one of the most widely-recognized ADR consulting firms, with experience on projects for the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, USAID and the European Union, and with project offices in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. ADR Center’s Development division specializes in coordinating and managing Technical Assistance Projects involving international business diplomacy, consensus building, and conflict management in the international commercial and entrepreneurial sectors.
We integrate multiple disciplines—ADR Case Administration, ADR Policy Advocacy, ADR Training, ADR Academic Eminence, and ADR Project Management expertise—to consistently help our clients meet their ADR development goals and needs.