We are consultancy firm specialized in the development of Risk Management based on an International Standard ISO 31000:2018, building a Management Framework which includes the development of a Risk Committee and its Governance, The Risk Policy with its Statutes and Procedures. The Risk Identification, Analysis, Valuation, Treatment, and Monitoring are important activities that help the organization to build a Risk Management Culture.
Bowtie methodology to treat key risks (Impact, Likelihood) identifying causes, detective/preventive controls, consequences and their mitigation controls, action plans.
Design of a Management Dashboard which contains KPI (Key Performance Indicator) - KRI (Key Risk Indicator) - KCI (Key Control Indicator)
Risk Transfer Programs (A Shared Risk) based on the International Standard ISO 31000:2018 which helps the organization to define their Risk Appetite. After detecting the key transferable risks, these insurance/reinsurance programs to transfer these risks are designed to be placed in the Local/International markets to get the best terms and conditions available.
The professional experience in the development of this practice of corporate governance in important companies of the country as well as the studies and certification in the International standard ISO 31000 by the team of professionals that compose it allows us to support Strategically to the organizations in the development of their level of maturity and their capacity of resilencing in the management of business risks.
We encourage the development of a strong culture of risk management for your business.
We advise you on the definition of your appetite for risk.
We support you in adapting to change and help you to know and manage the emerging risks.
We provide you with tools and techniques to address key risks in your business and monitor compliance with action plans that minimize impact if these risks materialize.