We assist farmers on decisions. We capture the user experience of farmers to support their decisions by programming practical rules that interpret their reality. We improve farming productivity by processing data generated by farmers through our mobile apps to develop the rules that define their production context.
OKARATech is an innovative platform of cloud computing through apps to manage business data from various sources, including geographic data from precision farming, and support their process and transformation into useful and contextualized information for decision makers. We linked relevant data for farming business within its production context to support farmers’ decisions. We are in the business of adding farmers by aggregating data that allow us to interpret their particular environment. We program the set of rules to contextualize data in order to assist a business decision.
Our ruleset interprets farmers' reality based on environmental data in order to provide practical information on their own language to help them making the best decisions. E.g. "OKT clima" does not only provide meteorological data, it provides practical information about when to spray crops. The rules emulate the reasoning of farmers to interpret their environment to solve the spray decision. GeneXus tool allows us to test ideas and write code for different programming languages in an easy and cost effective way.
OKARATech is centered in the farmers to improve their production through contextualized information in order they can make better decisions. There are lot of companies trying to develop new sources of data and new technologies, but not too many trying to take advantage of the huge amount of resources already available. We are focused in solving an abundance problem, not collaborating with increasing it. We are a future proof company that can program in different languages to contextualize data from different sources. We know how to assist farming decisions.