Technical and Management Resources is an information technology (IT) services company that offers professional engineering, planning, and implementation support to federal government agencies and corporate clients throughout the United States.
Founded in 1998 and conveniently located in the Washington D.C. metropolitan region, TMR provides its customers with solid IT solutions which support current business processes, incorporate stable technologies and standards to keep up with technological change, TMR and maximize each customer's existing IT investments. TMR provides "Best Value" solutions to meet a prevailing market need to continually improve performance with better processes and technologies yet remain competitive with lower costs.
TMR provides solutions to clients with needs that span strategic planning, requirement analysis, enterprise architecture, governance, system design, investment planning and management, implementation, system/subsystem testing, independent validation and verification, and performance assessments.
Contract Vehicles
GSA Millenium Lite
GSA FSS 70 IT Support Schedule
SBA 8(a)
Additional Vehicles ...
Enterprise Architecture GovernanceBusiness Case DevelopmentSystems Life Cycle PlanningRequirements Identification and AnalysisNetwork PlanningDesigIntegratioSystems Implementation and Integration Support