Imagine a magical, evocative place that will ignite your soul. Imagine a private, all-inclusive historic lodge where you revel in the graciousness of the forgotten Catskills. Imagine the celebration, the escape, the chance to learn that will change your life. Imagine Spillian. Where legends are made.
The word Spillian is Old English for “to play, to jest or to revel.”
Spillian is a portal for imagining, grounded deeply both in a sense of place and of play. Our dream is that everyone who engages with us will step back into their lives empowered to bring creative energy into their work, their relationships, and the world. We offer workshops, curated weekends celebrating the Catskills, weddings and celebrations, and special events, all born in a spirit of deep co-creation with our stakeholders, our clients, our community, and our landscape.
The Spillian Mission: we seek to create physical gathering place where people can revel in new ideas, possibilities, and experiences within a vibrant, sustainable business model.
In our first four years, we’ve brought thousands of guests to the mountain, and thousands of dollars to the local economy. We’ve built partnerships with extraordinary individuals and organizations around the region and around the world. We’ve launched two radio programs, and a regional grassroots tourism project, Catskills Trout Tales. And we’ve brought a really special property back to life, even as we are dreaming its next layers.
Spillian is becoming an internationally recognized force in global work on personal, cultural, and sustainable imagination, bringing energy, visitors, and opportunities to the Catskill Mountains.
Won’t you join us?