The Nemo Link interconnector is a joint venture between National Grid Interconnector Holdings Limited, a subsidiary company of the UK’s National Grid Plc, and the Belgian Elia group. The interconnector electrically connects Belgium and GB providing both countries with improved grid reliability and access to sustainable generation. Nemo Link consists of subsea and underground cables connected to a converter station and an electricity substation in each country, which allows electricity to flow in either direction between the two countries.
The interconnector is a key enabler for the energy transition towards a sustainable carbon-neutral future.
Nemo Link couples the GB and Belgium power markets allowing electricity to be physically traded between both countries.
Through Nemo Link, market parties have the opportunity to buy capacity up to 1000 MW in either direction via explicit and/or implicit auctions.
Nemo Link offers its Long-Term explicit auctions on the Single Allocation Platform managed by the Joint Allocation Office (JAO).
All available capacity at the Day-Ahead stage is offered to the market via the Single Day-Ahead Market Coupling (SDAC) mechanism whereby interconnector capacity and energy get sold at the same time (so-called implicit auctions).
All available capacity after the Day-Ahead stage is offered to the market via the Intraday explicit auctions run by the JAO's Auction Platform.
Acquired Long-term and Intraday capacity rights can get nominated via the Regional Nomination Platform.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss any matters on the Nemo Link interconnector, please contact the Customer Team at customer.service@nemolink.co.uk or visit our website www.nemolink.co.uk to subscribe to our newsletters.