Launched in May 2011, PAFA's main objective is to accelerate the development of the accountancy profession in Africa and strengthen the voice of the profession within Africa and beyond. With its 53 professional accountancy organizations in 43 countries, PAFA believes that governance, value management, transparency, and accountability in the private and public sectors are essential to economic development and reduction of poverty.
To assist professional accountancy organisations in Africa to fulfil their public interest mandate, PAFA focuses on the following five strategic objectives:
1. Building a strong and sustainable professional accountancy organisation in each African country that contributes to national professional, economic, and social development and demonstrates compliance with the obligations for professional accountancy organisations set by the International Federation of Accountants (i.e., the IFAC Statements of Membership Obligations (SMOs)).
2. Promoting the adoption and supporting the implementation of international standards and best practices in each African country to improve the quality of corporate reporting.
3. Facilitating the accountancy profession’s contribution to stronger Public Value Management (PVM) to enhance fiscal discipline and the effectiveness of resource allocation and service delivery to citizens thus creating value for money.
4. Enhancing common approaches and platforms that facilitate the sharing of knowledge, resources, and experiences.
5. Generating and dissemination cutting-edge knowledge and solutions on emerging issues impacting the economy, society, and the profession.