LURHU INVESTMENT SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD (LuRhu Invest) began as a company focused on addressing the broader issues affecting the savings and investment environment in South Africa. Through market commentary on radio, television, financial publication as well as personal interactions we had come to realise that many misconceptions such as that only the rich can invest in the JSE still exist. As a result, we packaged our service offering to focus on providing investment solutions to individuals and communities seeking guidance on how to invest in securities as a form of savings for a more financially secure future.
In 2022 LuRhu Invest identified an opportunity to further diversify its value offering to include financial advisory services with a strong focus on Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMME’s). The services incorporated include Trade Finance Solutions and Risk Management Solutions. These additional service offerings are intended to help strengthen SMME business to deliver products and services as per awarded contracts as well as to better manage their financial risk.
LURHU Invest is determined to address challenges and hindrances faced by SMME’s in particular previously disenfranchised business owners and market participants (i.e suppliers, manufacturer’s etc.) It is therefore LURHU’s desire and objective to grow the SMME market and ensure their long-term sustainability.
At the core of our value proposition is the commitment to provide solutions that are competitively priced with shorten turnaround times.