Embrace is a non-profit, non-governmental, social entrepreneurial organization dedicated to mental health that works for ensure that Mental Health and access to care is positioned as a basic human right that must be met for all persons, through awareness, advocacy and dignified mental health services across the spectrum of care and without social and structural barriers.
Lifeline | Embrace operates the National Lifeline in Lebanon (1564) for Emotional Support and Suicide Prevention Hotline, in partnership with the National Mental Health Program at the Ministry of Public Health.
Awareness & Outreach |By raising awareness, Embrace aims to enhance early detection and prevention of mental illness and provide communities the opportunity to enjoy a better quality of life.
Embrace Mental Health Center |The Embrace Mental Health Center (EMHC) provides direct, affordable, and quality mental health care to persons experiencing a mental illness in Lebanon. The mental health clinic at EMHC uses a person-centered, community-based, multidisciplinary model, to provide evidence-based mental health services for its beneficiaries.
CEDARS | Embrace’s research hub and CEDARS (Capturing and Expanding Data Analytics and Research on Suicide) department is comprised of dedicated researchers in the field of mental health that aims at providing insights into the characteristics and demographics of persons seeking mental health services in Lebanon, to better inform policy and practice.
EMBRACE THE WORKPLACE |Embrace the workplace is a mental health journey that takes your organization and its community towards better mental health and wellbeing. The program will bring back meaning to the workplace, and thus to employees’ lives by creating an ecosystem that serves them and your community