P-Val by Circle Strategy is a consultancy firm specialised in strategic transformation. Our raison d'être is to help each of our clients create their own Better World, specific to their history and context. This World must be better for all four stakeholders: the company, its teams, its customers and the common good.
We are the right-hand man of Circle Strategy, the General Management Consulting unit of the Square Management group. Together, we support you in all your strategic projects, from idea to operational implementation.
We work with you to build even more transformative and robust projects, based on our expertise in Strategic Planning, Growth Hacking, M&A Success, Transformation Strategy, Management Model and Human Capital.
Business Consulting and Services, Management advice, Integrated management systems (IMS) consultants, Services to businesses, Business Services, Quality management consultants, Human resources (HR) strategy consultants
HQ Location
173 avenue Achille Peretti
Neuilly-sur-Seine , 92200, FR
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