ECO (European Consultants Organisation), created in 1992, is specialised in the management of Technical Assistance projects and Framework Contracts launched by International Donors (mainly the European Commission) in development and EU countries.
ECO is one of the leading EC Framework Contractors with long-standing experience managing and implementing framework contract assignments all over the world. ECO is currently a consortium leader for EC BENEF lot 7 (Governance and Home Affairs) and a member for EC BENEF lots 1 and 12.
ECO has permanent offices in Belgium (headquarter), France, Mauritius, Romania, Russia and Turkey and have many project offices worldwide.
The main sectors of expertise of ECO are:
• Governance and Democracy
• Institutional Reform
• Social and Economic Development
• Monitoring and Evaluation
The main geographical regions of experience of ECO are:
• Sub-Saharan Africa
• The Balkans, including Turkey
• Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia
For more information about ECO visit