Safeline is a single-source, person-centred, trauma-informed, sexual violence support charity which has two aims: to support survivors of sexual violence and anyone affected; and to prevent its occurrence through Early Intervention and Prevention programmes for children aged 9 – 18.
Safeline is inclusive, supporting people aged 3+, irrespective of gender, sexual identity, culture, religion, language. All services are tailored to individual need, integrated, long-term, and free.
Safeline is the National Male Survivor specialist helpline and online service for men and boys (or anyone who identifies as male or is non-binary). We provide a helpline/email/text/webchat(livechat) service for emotional support and advice.
Safeline is the national provider of online/telephone counselling to adult survivors (aged 16+) of child sexual abuse in England & Wales.
Face to Face counselling, creative therapies, group support and our ISVA (Independent Sexual Violence Advisors) support are offered to people in Coventry and Warwickshire