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About Lars Kortenhorn
Lars Kortenhorn is at Cosuno in Greater Hamburg Area. Cosuno is a Construction company in Boxhagener Str. 77-78
Berlin, Berlin 10245, DE with 42 employees
Cosuno ensures efficient and transparent collaboration between all parties involved in the construction industry from planning to payment. Customers benefit from involving subcontractors in planning at an early stage, finding the right prices on a data-driven basis, and being able to pay more quickly via the software. The benefits and savings for both sides are immense: by using Cosuno’s cloud solution instead of email, phone, and Excel spreadsheets, the time saved amounts to about 60% and the profit margin is 18% higher on average. The customers use the largest European subcontractor network for this purpose and benefit from the specially developed AI, which ensures significantly better capacity utilization.
Cosuno is growing fast: since its market launch, the software has already processed a $4 billion construction volume. The new capital will flow into the development of further features and international expansion, beginning first in Europe.
BausoftwareEinkaufsoptimierungAufgabenverwaltungAngebotsmanagementDigitale AusschreibungSoftware für GeneralunternehmerSoftware für ArchitektenSoftware für GewerkeBaumanagementNachunternehmer-Management