Using machine learning and Artificial Intelligence Oculyze has transferred the computer vision software for lab equipment from the table top to the cloud.
To prove this revolutionary approach works and is market ready, Oculyze launched the yeast cell counters for breweries and wineries. This device works using a microscope connected to a smartphone and the Oculyze app to upload the images to the cloud where they are analysed by image recognition algorithms. These combine methodical pattern recognition with artificial intelligence and deep learning to offer quantitative real-time image analysis. The cell counter has convinced yeast labs, breweries and wineries of all sizes around the world (Oculyze Better Brewing + Fermentation Wine).
Oculyze MUH is the third turnkey product and allows for an on-site diagnosis of subclinical endometritis for cows.
The next step for Oculyze is to use this proven technology to bring the advantages of cloud based image recognition, like faster development time, lower cost and better image recognition, to other applications like blood or sperm counts, parasite detection in feces, asbestos fibre detection, emulsion analysis and bacteria detection, hereby continuing to add applications to its cloud based image recognition platform.
The beauty of this solution is that it can be delivered in two ways: One is a brand new system developed specifically for an application, and the second is the combination of APIs and Apps that enable the company to upgrade existing hardware like scanning electron microscopes (SEM) or the good old lab microscope.