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About Kwangsuk Kim
Kwangsuk Kim is Managing Director at Hyo Seong Electric in South Korea. Previously worked at EM-Tech Co., Ltd. as Senior Engineer. Hyo Seong Electric is a Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing company in #852-145 Gachun-Ri
Ulju-Gun, Ulsan, KR with 30 employees
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Kwangsuk Kim Work
Kwangsuk Kim is the Managing Director @Hyo Seong Electric, with experience in Senior Engineer @EM-Tech Co., Ltd.
Hyo Seong Electric builds energy efficient electric motors for the automotive industry's top manufacturers including GM, Ford, Volkswagen, and Hyundai. Since its inception in 1973, the company has grown annual revenue to over a quarter billion dollars. It is home to over 1,000 employees worldwide with locations throughout Asia, Europe, and North America.