Technobud Group is a group of companies who develop granite and sand & gravel deposits, extract raw materials and process them into various construction aggregates.
Production facilities:
• Klesiv aggregates quarry 'Technobud' (Klesiv village, Sarny district, Rivne region);
• Koshchiivka granite granite quarry (near Koshchiivka village, Fastiv district, Kyiv region);
• Maidan-Ispas sand & gravel quarry (Izpas village, Vyzhnytsya district, Chernivtsi region).
Industrial sites of the company produce more than 5 million tons of products per year.
The company's products: crushed granite stone, crushed gravel stone, natural gravel, road mix, sand & gravel mix, screenings, sand and aspirated dust fines.
Products are mainly used in: road construction, rail track construction, concrete and reinforced concrete frame production, asphalt processing, production of concrete mixes and dry building mixes, decorative design of territories, etc.
Terms of delivery: in bulk by rail or truck.
The company has its logistics service. The sites plan and arrange delivery of products by rail and trucks.
Supervision services at sites keep eye on proper quality and production efficiency. Besides, Health &
Safety standards, environmental safety compliance are strictly controlled. All production sites are equipped with video surveillance systems.
With its own geological surveying service, the company carries out drilling and blasting at sites on its own.
The company employs more than 850 people.
Wholesale Building Materials
HQ Location
Михайла Гришка, 9
Київ, Київська 02141, UA
гірничодобувна компаніякар'єроуправліннябуровибухові роботимаркшейдерські роботидробарно-сортувальні роботивідвантаження продукції залізничним транспортомвідвантаження продукції автотранспортомвиробництво щебенювидобуток гранітувидобуток гравію