MVRsimulation (formerly MetaVR) provides mixed-reality simulators and PC-based visual software systems for military simulator-based training solutions.
MVRsimulation’s software products enable users to build high-fidelity virtual worlds with our terrain generation tools and render the resulting virtual world with our real-time 3D visualization application and flagship product, Virtual Reality Scene Generator (VRSG).
VRSG is a Microsoft DirectX-based render engine that provides geospecific simulation as an image generator with game quality graphics; allowing users to visualize geographically expansive and detailed virtual worlds at 60Hz frame rates on commercially available PCs.
VRSG features:
- Whole-world 3D terrain databases in VRSG round-earth terrain;
- Continuously updated high-resolution insets including urban areas, airfields, military installations and training ranges;
- 10,000+ 3D models that interact with networked entities in real time;
- Users on active maintenance benefit from new and updated terrain, 3D models, AOIs, and customer-requested feature updates at no cost;
- MVRsimulation’s rendering technology uses advanced terrain and texture paging algorithms to render geographically specific imagery over expansive terrain databases while providing such advanced visual features as full-scene anti-aliasing and continuous level-of-detail morphing;
- On the Microsoft Windows platform, MVRsimulation delivers high performance, networked, real-time, single- and multi-channel visual systems with 3D content.
MVRsimulation’s Terrain Tools for Esri ArcGIS for Desktop allows users turn their own geospatial data into real-time round-earth 3D terrain to render in VRSG.
MVRsimulation simulation hardware products include the fully-accredited Deployable Joint Fires Trainer, Fixed-Wing Part Task Mission Trainer, and mixed-reality Sand Table.