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Wikitongues champions language diversity and downstream social justice movements by safeguarding endangered languages, increasing global access to critical linguistic resources, and directly supporting language revitalization projects.
The marginalizing forces of nationalism and colonization have pushed cultural diversity to the brink of collapse. 7,000 languages are spoken and signed today, but as many as 3,000 languages could disappear in 80 years. Since the 1980s, world governments have rolled back forced assimilation policies, making it possible for people around the world to reawaken ancestral languages and rebuild their cultures — and when people have the resources to keep their languages alive, they do. However, vital support for language revitalization projects remains scarce and, as a result, the rate of language extinction far outpaces the growing movement to stem its tide. Our task is to build the social infrastructure to meet the scale of this crisis: how can we make it possible for all people to keep their language and culture alive, regardless of their level of external support?