Fusion Cyber is solving the cyber talent gap with a suite of AI product(s)—human-powered, AI-enhanced! Of the 455k openings in the U.S., 200k require a clearance. We operate boot camps under university brands to attract more under-selected communities and veterans to cyber. We play matchmaker to get billion-dollar tech companies like Cisco and others to fund scholarships, grants, nonpredatory loans (Student Freedom Initiative), and other forms of payments.
With Cisco's investment support, we are building the next generation of security operations centers for our nation's security. Fusion Centers QuantumSOC LLM 80% of events today are noise and shouldn’t leave the device or the edge. Dangerous incidents are growing exponentially because of AI and global conflicts. We make room to secure the nation and allies and create jobs for veterans and under selected communities—all US citizens. The Fusion Center SOCs serve higher education, DoD, and agency clients. This commercial business is a next-generation AI LLM company.