NAHC is the largest and most respected professional association representing the interests of chronically ill, disabled, and dying Americans of all ages and the caregivers who provide them with in-home health and hospice services. Founded in 1982, as the unified voice for home care and hospice industry, NAHC represents community, municipal, state owned, church and hospital affiliated entities, and visiting nurse nonprofit organizations as well as for-profit corporations from small to large corporate chains.
NAHC is currently affiliating with the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO). The National Alliance for Care at Home brings together two organizations with more than 90 years of combined experience serving providers of quality care in the home to form one new association.
This historic alliance creates a national organization representing providers of home care, home health, hospice, and palliative care, forming the most powerful voice and resource the home care community has seen.
To learn more about NAHC, visit